🔨Other APIs

Here are some other APIs that BlazeStake offers!

Gets the average APY of BlazeStake over the past few epochs

GET stake.solblaze.org/api/v1/apy

    "success": true,
    "apy": ...

Gets the number of validators in the BlazeStake standard delegation

GET stake.solblaze.org/api/v1/validator_count

    "success": true,
    "total": ...

Gets the set of validators in the BlazeStake standard delegation

GET stake.solblaze.org/api/v1/validator_set

    success: "true",
    "vote_accounts": [...]

Updates the stake pool at the beginning of the epoch from the TypeScript SDK

GET stake.solblaze.org/api/v1/update_pool

This API endpoint is a crank that is usually automatically called to update the stake pool if needed at the beginning of every epoch, but it can be called manually just in case.

Query Parameters




The cluster to use when updating the pool (mainnet-beta)

    "success": true

Last updated